First I just have to talk about sushi. Melbourne actually has sushi on every single corner. Every shop is either a boutique or sushi I'm not even joking. There's a place dangerously close to our house that sells rolls for 2$. They don't cut up the roll they just hand you a massive roll and it's so cheap and so delicious. I am going to go into sushi overload. Ash has been trying to cut me back and then the other day on my way home from school I got a roll and scarfed it down. How could I not? I pass the place on my walk home it's torture. And most of the restaurants don't even have doors it's like an open walk through to the street, it's too enticing. Anyway, Ash kissed me when I got in the door and was like "you had sushi" and I protested and said I didn't he was mistaken, but he knew! I'm a sushi addict! If anyone loves sushi I'm telling you Melbourne is the place to be.
Moving on. On Sunday Ash's parent's drove down from Chiltern (3 hours inland from Melbourne) to take Ash and I out for lunch and meet me. I was really nervous but they were SO LOVELY. Ash's mom got me an adorable koala china mug and a kookaburra (special aussie bird) bookmark! Then we drove together to South Melbourne and had this unbelievable fish right by the water. You order the type of fish you want and then they make you beautiful fish and chips! We also got tons of calamari and scallops. I was so full but it was one of the freshest and most delicious meals I've ever had. Then we walked along the beach and looked at the Spirit of Tasmania boat that takes you on trips to Tasmania. We took some pictures on the pier and continued to walk along the beach. We stopped at this delicious ice cream place and I had mocha ice cream. I always get small or childrens size and it's still too much. They PILE on the ice cream here. Nonetheless so good. Then we drove back into Carlton and they went home. We're going up to their place next weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. Ash's parent's are so nice and I'm so glad I had the chance to meet them. It's so weird when you've heard so much about someone and seen pictures and such but never met them. It was surreal but really nice.
I don't have class today and neither does Ash so we went to the gym this morning where he killed me. Then we ran back and made lunch. It's such a beautiful afternoon. We were going to go to the botanical gardens but Ash says it's not quite warm enough. We're going to another footy game tonight which I'm excited for. We met another couple upstairs who just moved in. She's from Missouri and he's from France and I think they're coming with us to the football game tonight. I've been so pleasantly surprised with my roommates, everyone is awesome. School seems pretty intense and I'm a little nervous for it. Everything is worth 50% or 60%. There aren't small assignments or participation it's all like two essays or an essay and an exam. But I've paid enough to be here so I'm determined to rock these classes. Going to do some reading before footy tonight.
Miss & love you all,
- Sarah