Our second day in Cairns we went up to Kuranda and learned all about the rainforest. There were these amazing plants that were light sensitive and curled up when you touched them. We kept saying Avatar was real and Northern Australia was definitely where James Cameron got his ideas. There were these green ants that you could pop in your mouth and they gave an explosion of taste like sour green apple. We saw a massive tarantula just chilling in the woods and wild turkey nests. We also saw a worm farm they had to make soil. Then we had afternoon tea and went out to a school to plant trees. Dallas, Jess and I were tree planter experts and planted a ton. It was a really fun day. I like learning about the rain forest and seeing so many birds, butterflies and animals I'd never known existed.
On our third day we went to Reforestation. It was an amazing outside rain forest. First we went on an army duck tour through the rainforest. The army duck is this old WWII metal vehicle that can go from land right into the water and become a boat. We had a really funny guide who took us all through the rainforest and into the river, we weren't able to peer out or put our arms out over the boat though because crocodiles can jump up and grab you! Later we were taught by the aboriginees how to throw a boomerang and then we watched them play didgeridoos and perform several traditional dances. We loved one of the aboriginees "SeaHawk" haha, we were all in awe of his dancing. Then we got to hold a koala and walk around the rain forest park. It's crazy in Australia all of the zoos I've been to the animals aren't caged in and you can go up and pet them. It's so surreal, you can feed them and pet them and hold them. The animals seem so happy and really people friendly. I pet several wallabies and kangaroos but I was too afraid to hold the massive snake. The rainforestation day was chock full of amazing experiences and I'm so glad we went.
That night we went on this bar hopping night out called "The Ultimate Party" - and wow was it a party. We got picked up at our resort by a double decker open roofed party bus. At each bar there were challenges (mostly dirty ones). They played horses/knights/cavaliers - my FAV drama game, where you're paired up with someone of the opposite sex and when they yell horses you sit on their back like a horse, knights they pretend to knight you and cavaliers they put one knee on the ground and one up and you sit on their knee. HOWEVER this version was a bit different as they started to call out sexual positions like missionary, spoons, etc. etc. and the couples had to do them. Entertaining but I'm glad I wasn't the one rolling around on the bar floor. Anyway, we got to go to 5 bars around Cairns and Hannah, Jess, Dallas and I danced up a STORM and I had probably my best night in Cairns.
The last day was our free day. I had signed up earlier for a Jungle Tour. It was a long bus ride but we got to go to another rain forest park, to Mossman Gorge where we went swimming in the rapids and went on a rain forest walk then we got to go to Cape Tribulation a gorgeous beach area before heading home. On the way home we stopped for this really weird ice cream. They gave us a little dish with 5 flavours but the best was the coconut icecream with coconut flecks in it - SO GOOD. Then we got home and packed for our arrival in MELBOURNE! It was such a great experience, I met so many people and I'm so glad I went so I could meet some people in my classes before school started.
Loving Australia, but missing you all