I admit it, I miss London. I didn't think this day would come, I haven't been close to homesick until I saw everyone hitting up JBRs this Wednesday and partying it up for frosh week. I miss that SO much. But it's cool. Just chilling like a villain in Australia so I shouldn't be such a whiner.
On a happier note, I went to Melbourne Fashion Week last Friday and it was phenomenal. I was severely under dressed because I thought people were all casual chic going to these shows I don't know why, but apparently they dress to the nines in Melbourne!!! Whatever, I wasn't that under dressed I major high heeled it up. And just wait until you see the two dresses I got since I've been here - mind blowingly beautiful. Melbourne fashion is to die for, it's terrible but oh so good. The fashion show was amazing they featured about 10-12 outfits per designer and they were phenomenal. I really enjoyed myself - it really made me wish I had gone into fashion. From the music to the light show to the models and outfits, I was just in love. We got gift bags when we came in on our seat with vitamin water, magazines, ads and so much more it was amazing. The show was a little under an hour. Afterwards we went for this amazing Greek dinner at a restaurant called Stalactites. It was in a cave with little sand drips off the ceiling it was really impressive. Afterwards I went back to RMIT with Hannah and Jess and prepared to go out. It started actually POURING and about 12 girls wanted to go to eurotrash this bar in the CBD of melbourne and the cabbie took us to the wrong part of town. When we got out we were in the complete wrong section of the city. So the rest of the girls decided to trek the 30 MINUTE WALK to the bar and I was soaking wet and just about ready to throw in the towel. I called Ash and he came and picked me up on the curb in the rain. I felt so fortunate to have a boyfriend in the city who could just come drive and pick me up it was great. So my wild night ended up being carried to the front door of our house shoeless, having a cup of green tea and some muesli and heading to bed - WILD! hahaha, it's been great though. I got a job at the bakery around the corner and I work the next three days so I will make some money to cover my depleting bank balance.
Miss you all much much much!!!